Wednesday 27 November 2019

Best Knee Replacement Surgery at Nagpur - Joint Replacement Surgeon Dr Alankar Ramteke

For Best Knee Replacement Surgery at Nagpur in and around Central India, visit Arthritis & Joint Replacement Clinic, Ramdaspeth Nagpur. Dr. Alankar Ramteke, is a fellowship trained joint replacement specialist and has participated in over 3500 primary joint replacements and many complex joint reconstructions and revision surgeries. He has a special interest in joint preservation surgeries in the young. Dr Ramteke performs all his surgeries at Alexis Hospital, Mankapur Square, Nagpur. Alexis Hospital has state of art operation - theater, best in class facilities and is equipped with cutting edge technology - that ensures predictable and consistent high quality surgical results - in every surgery. Dr Ramteke is available for consultation at Alexis in the day and at Arthritis & Joint Replacement Clinic, Ramdaspeth in the evening.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Women with Strong Thigh Muscles have less Knee Pain

Women often neglect their health for far too late. Sometimes just by minor & healthy changes in daily lifestyles, so many potentially serious illness can be prevented or their onset can be significantly delayed.

"Muscles" are generally  not a associated with women's health. Traditionally women want to look slender and/or  curvy. But muscles are good to have. We are not talking about bulky, masculine, muscular  & 'beefy' physiques. Getting some exercises for your muscles can ensure that you loose fats, tone your arms, legs and tummy and get dual benefits of looking good as well as getting healthy.

Women are at high risk of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and that too at earlier age as compared to men. All these conditions can give rise to varying degrees of severity of knee pain. Having strong muscles around knees is a great way to avoid knee pain or get relief from knee pain.

Time magazine reported a study published in Arthritis and Rheumatology Journal. The study included 3,026 men and women between the ages of 50-79 years. Over the course of a two and a half year study period, the researchers analyzed both leg strength and presence of symptoms for osteoarthritis. At each checkpoint, they also inquired about discomfort or stiffness in the knees. By the end of the study period they found that, strong muscles in thighs and legs protect against knee pain. The study reported that women with the strong thighs had lower levels of pain.

So ladies exercise your muscles, get good strong legs and get rid of knee pain!!

For other useful information and articles related to knee pain visit